
Monday, July 9, 2012

It's been a while since I've posted and I'm terribly sorry, but between the two jobs and some traveling lately, I have not had the time to post. I'm hoping to pin down a schedule of regular posting now, but you have to bear with me as I'm getting used to creating a blog! 
This past weekend I was fortunate to have a mini vacation before vacation where I went up to school to visit C! Even though I saw him three weeks prior, it was still wonderful to spend some quality time with the two of us. Friday we went out to dinner for my birthday and had a fun evening at the restaurant we went to on our first date. 
Other than dinner Friday night, we spent a lot of the weekend at the pool at my apartment complex, which gave the whole weekend a relaxed vibe that I've been needing. Saturday we had a few of our friends over to the pool and eventually we "cooked out" (we used my Foreman grill actually, but shhh) and went to the Hunger Games in the student union later that evening.
I had a lot of fun the entire weekend and I was really sad to say goodbye to my spectacular, handsome man and the town I love. I will see them both soon enough though! Here are some pictures from the weekend:

 After he took me for my birthday dinner

 Lounging at the pool

I was getting a shot of myself in his sunglasses 

 This gigantic moth freaked me out!

 Trying out a coffeehouse for the first time

I liked the Fleur de Lis on the backs of the mugs
 The yummy looking pastries!