WARNING: What you are about to read may cause an excessive desire to make everything glittery. Do you ever feel sometimes that you don't have enough glitter in your life? I know I do. You know all of those fun jars and vases that are so sparkly and pretty? Well, you don't have to pay top dollar for them, you can make them yourself! Today I'll show you some simple steps to making jars shine. Here's what you'll need:
1 Jar of Mod Podge
1 Container of any color fine glitter (Whatever you prefer)
A paint brush (One that you're not attached to)
A paper or plastic cup
A Mason jar or vase
Step 1: Make sure your Mason jar is clean beforehand or the Mod Podge won't stick to it. Lay some newspaper or a paper towel down before doing this because it can get messy.
Step 2: Next, mix 2/3rd part Mod Podge and 1/3rd glitter in the paper cup. Make sure to mix well to avoid clumps and to ensure the glitter is evenly distributed.
Step 3: Coat the outside of the Mason Jar as evenly as possible with the Mod Podge and glitter mix. Let dry completely. If the Mod Podge shows up, no need to worry, it will dry clear.
Step 4: Repeat the 3rd step until the jar is completely covered and the glass no longer shows through. It took me about 3 coats, but if you want to add more glitter to minimize how many times you paint it, you can. Once the final coat is dry, you can seal it with a coat of glitter-free Mod Podge or leave it as it is.